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阻止升迁的7大办公室“杀手” |
发布者:管理员 发布时间:2014-9-10 阅读:759 次 |
你,或者你的同事有没有做出过令人反感的举动?比如把手机铃声设成《小苹果》并且音量还很大? 其实,我工作许多年了,在办公室看到过不少的不文明习惯。比如某某某在开会时打电话,某某某一坐到位子上就脱掉鞋子,甚至还有某某某在办公室里公然吃榴莲等等。 或许当事人没有感觉到自己做得不妥,或者压根就没意识到自己做了什么,但别人就难保会怀恨在心。因此,这些办公室陋习搞不好就会成为职业生涯的“杀手”,阻断原本光明的前途。比如萝福先生,已经把我以上我提到的三位“犯人”无情地开除了。 那么,办公室恶习只是个案吗?非也。根据一项研究显示,至少有20%的人遭受职场上的不良恶习困扰。 Barbara Griffin, an organizational psychologist with the University of Western Sydney, co-authored a study, and found that one in five people surveyed had experienced bad manners at work at least once a month. “办公室陋习案”如此频发,你也务必要好好检视一下,确保自己不属于这些办公室“杀手”的范畴。如果有犯要及时改正挽回自己的形象。 7大办公室"杀手": 1. People who constantly show up late to meetings (if you’re always running behind, try scheduling meetings in 45 minute increments to allow enough time to get to your next meeting). 2. People who run over the allotted meeting times and force the next meeting group to wait for the other group to finish (this is a huge DO NOT DO). 3. People who drown themselves in cologne or perfume – often times the fragrance enters a room before they do and stays long afterwards. 4. People who let their cell phones ring loudly at work (always keep mobile phones on silent/vibrate so as not to disturb others). 5. People who hold meetings in their cubicle instead of a conference room and disturb co-workers with the noise (this becomes a big issue when the topic is HR related and needs to be kept confidential). 6. People who eat smelly food in their cubicle instead of in the lunch room or break room. 7. Women wearing clothing that reveal a lot of cleavage (basically ONLY appropriate if you’re an exotic dancer for your job). 如果你能够对号入座,就马上改正自己的不良习惯吧。要不然,时间一长你就成为整个办公室的“全民公敌”了。想要升职加薪,还是必须得争取做一名“中国好同事”,和工作上的伙伴们好好相处才行。
文本来源:佛山商务英语培训 首选爱德华国际英语 |
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