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大学生创业:要把爱好变成职业么? |
发布者:管理员 发布时间:2014-9-16 阅读:1041 次 |
有人说,千万别把爱好变成工作,可是下面这位21岁的小伙儿,却用自己的故事告诉我们,有的时候“爱做什么”就去做什么,这才是成功之道! A 21-year-old recently bought an apartment right after his graduation. More importantly, he bought it with money he earned all by himself. 最近,一位21岁的小伙儿刚刚毕业,就为自己买了一套公寓,而更重要的是,买公寓的钱都是他自己挣的。 Liu Dun, a finance major at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, has started up an Internet company and made a fortune. 这位小伙儿就是刘敦(音译),毕业于中南财经政法大学金融专业。他自己创办了一家网络公司,并且因此发家致富。 But doing business is not as important to Liu as doing what he is passionate about, which is promoting the city he lives in. 但是,对他而言,从商赚钱并没有那么重要。相比之下,宣传自己生活的城市让他更有热情。 Born in Wuhan, Hubei province, Liu has a strong connection to the city. He loves the people there, who are straightforward, which leads many to believe they are rude. He loves the city because of its diversity. He wants to imitate Ma Yun, CEO of Alibaba, who set up a business in his beloved hometown. 作为土生土长的湖北武汉人,刘敦和这个城市“血脉相连”。他喜爱那里的人,他们的率直甚至让很多人觉得粗鲁。他也喜欢那里的多姿多彩。他还以阿里巴巴的CEO马云为榜样,因为马云也把公司设在自己的故乡。 Man with a plan 步步为营 In his first two years of college, Liu already started preparing for his start-up business. He did internships in Internationale Nederlanden Group, a Fortune Global 500 company, trying to learn from these industry leaders. "Though the cost was high – several thousand yuan for registration – the experience was very rewarding," he says. 早在大一、大二的时候,刘敦就已经开始为创业做准备。他曾在名列财富全球500强的荷兰国际集团实习,希望能向这些业界领袖们学习一二。他说,“虽然成本很高,注册登记需要好几千元,但是相比积累的经验,还是很值得。” Liu was able to take a close look at these companies, their structure, and how their employees cooperate with each other. Most importantly, his hard work caught his boss's attention, who later wrote a recommendation letter for Liu and introduced him to entrepreneurs and investors. 实习期间,刘敦得以近距离观摩各个公司,熟悉公司架构,了解员工协作状况。更重要的是,他的努力引起了老板的关注,后者为他写了推荐信,将他介绍给其他商人与投资者。 In his senior year, Liu thought he was finally ready and decided to launch a business doing what he loves and is good at. "I love recreation and I know a thing or two about the Internet. I wanted to promote Wuhan's recreation industry through the Internet," he says. 在大四的时候,刘敦觉得自己终于做好了准备,于是决定自立门户,从事自己热爱同时擅长的事业。他说,“我喜欢娱乐与休闲,也对互联网有所钻研。所以我想通过网络推广武汉的娱乐与休闲行业。” Early success 初获成功 He set his eyes on young people who want to have fun in Wuhan, yet know little about the city. Together with his team, Liu used his spare time to visit unique stores; those that had the right characteristics were enlisted as partners. "We recommend these stores to our registered costumers on WeChat, who can get special treatment or discounts in these stores. It's a win-win situation," says Liu. 刘敦将目光锁定在那些想在武汉游玩却对这座城市知之甚少的年轻人身上。刘敦和他的团队一起,利用空闲时间寻访一些与众不同的小店,将正对胃口的商店列入合作伙伴的清单。他说,“如果这些商店愿意提供特殊优惠或打折,我们会将他们推荐给我们微信公众号的订阅用户。这是一种双赢的办法。” Now, Liu has partnerships with more than 100 stores in Wuhan, ranging from restaurants to boutique stores. A Shenzhen investor believes Liu's company is worth 5 million yuan and wants to purchase a 20 percent share for 1 million yuan. 目前为止,刘敦在武汉已经拥有超过100家合作商店,商店类型从餐厅到精品店应有尽有。一位深圳的投资人认为,刘敦的公司已价值500万人民币,并愿意出100万收购其20%的股份。 "I'm still thinking," says Liu. "This company is like my own child. I want it to have a good parent in law." 对此,刘敦表示“我还在考虑。毕竟,这个公司就像是我的孩子一样,我希望他在法律上也有个好父母。” 文本来源:佛山商务英语培训 首选爱德华国际英语 |
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