While star Daniel Radcliffe has moved on to an intriguing array of indie films, J.K. Rowling’s fantastical world of Harry Potter still holds a firm grasp on the public’s imagination. Yes, the 8-film, $7.72 billion grossing series came to a fiery end in 2011, but there’s been a surge in Potter popularity of late. The latest example is the Harry Potter Hotel Package offered at The Georgian House. A boutique London hotel that’s been in operation since 1851—and is located just a stone’s throw from the Thames—is taking advantage of the renewed Potter interest by transforming two of its rooms into gothic-styled “Wizard’s Chambers” designed to transport guests to the magical world of Potter. The rooms come equipped with 4-poster wooden beds, potion bottles, cauldrons, and Hogwartsian accents—perfect for us mere muggles. “And don’t worry, we include full English breakfast in your stay, and not bogey flavoured Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans!” reads the hotel’s site. In addition to the rooms, The Georgian House is offering tickets to the popular Muggle Walking Tour that takes you to locations around London where the film was shot, including train platform 9 ¾ at King’s Cross Station, as well as a trip on the custom-designed Harry Potter Tour bus to the Warner Brothers Studio Tour: The Making of Harry Potter, where you can check out the film’s myriad sets and props. For two people, including one night in the Wizard Chambers, breakfast, Muggle and Studio Tour tickets, it will run you $584 (as well as $180 for an extra child, or $207 for an extra adult). To simply stay in the Wizard Chambers for a night with breakfast will run you $336 for two. | 据每日野兽网站10月26日报道,当影星丹尼尔·雷德克里夫(Daniel Radcliffe)凭借系列独立电影继续演艺事业时,J·K·罗琳(J.K. Rowling)依旧凭借哈利波特的魔法世界牢牢抓住大众的想象力。该系列8部电影,以77.2亿美元的总票房于2011年完美谢幕,但最近,哈利波特热又在复苏。 最近的一个例子是乔治之屋(The Georgian House)推出了哈利波特酒店套房。这是一家自1851年起便开始营运的伦敦精品酒店--并且该酒店就位于泰晤士河附近--其利用最近复苏的哈利波特热潮,将该酒店内的两间房改造成哥特风格的巫师房,让入住的客人彷如进入到了哈利波特的魔法世界。该房间配备有四柱木床,药水瓶,大汽锅以及霍格华兹魔法世界的口音--对于我们麻瓜来说简直是完美的体验。“请放心,我们在您入住期间全部提供英式早餐,而不是妖怪口味的比比多味豆!” 该酒店网站上介绍说。 除了主题房间,乔治之屋还提供到麻瓜徒步游景点的票务服务,即带你到位于伦敦周边的影片拍摄第游览,这些景点包括位于国王十字车站(King’s Cross Station)的9 ¾ 火车站台,以及乘坐专门设计的哈利波特旅游巴士游览华纳兄弟工作室( Warner Brothers Studio):哈利波特的诞生地,在那儿你可以参观该系列电影中众多的场景的道具。 两人同游,包含一晚巫师房间,双人早餐,麻瓜世界景点和电影工作室游览门票,费用总计584美元(携带一名儿童额外需支付180美元,或一名成人额外支付207美元)。如果只是两人入住一晚巫师房间,包含早餐,费用是336美元。 |