当前位置 : 首页 > 商务英语第六十篇
发布者:管理员 发布时间:2014-12-7 阅读:1040     
爱德华国际英语学习网提供佛山商务英语培训的所有相关信息、包括与商务英语新闻列表及评论信息,助您的职场、交际、商务活动中侃侃而谈,  脱颖而出!
简报技巧 >> 产品演示-开始演示 
A :  This is the program's cover screen.
A :  From this screen you can choose to review today's lesson, to view the summary of this unit, to do some exercises, or to have a look at your overall mastery of the subject.
A :  I'll start from the first one to show how the program works.
A :  The first module mainly deals with basic elements and properties of a pyramid, theorems related to the cross sections of pyramids, special properties of a regular pyramid, formula for lateral area calculation, and typical example analysis.
A :  To obtain information on a specific topic, just click on the underlined subject, and you get a description.
A :  Passing the mouse cursor over a specific term will give you related information in a pop-up window.
A :  We have included brief explanations on certain theorems, geometric laws and terms in this Online dictionary.
A :  Clicking on Typical example analysis will turn the current problem into an animated step-by-step analytical process.
A :  As you can see, the program takes you through each problem step by step.

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