爱德华国际英语学习网提供佛山商务英语培训的所有相关信息、包括与商务英语新闻列表及评论信息,助您的职场、交际、商务活动中侃侃而谈, 脱颖而出! 商务活动 >> Customer service 1 M : I'm very sorry to hear that you've been having so many problems, madame. 很抱歉听到您有这么多的麻烦,女士。 F : Well, sorry isn't good enough. 哼,光抱歉是不够的。 F : What can you do to help me? 你怎么帮我解决呢? M : Well, to begin with, I'd like to ask you a few questions if I may. 好吧,首先,如果可以的话,我想问您几个问题。 F : Fine, whatever it takes to get this straightened out! 行,什么都行,只要能解决问题! 商务活动 >> Customer service 2 M : If you can't get this straightened out, I'm going to a different firm. 如果你们解决不了这个问题,我要去找另一家公司了。 F : I understand why you're angry, Mr. Price. 我知道您为什么恼火,普莱斯先生。 M : Well, obviously, what you're doing is not good enough. 可是,很明显,你们所做的还远远不够。 F : If you could just give us a few more days, we should be able to get this problem ironed out. 如果您再能给我们几天的时间,我们一定能把这个问题解决好的。 商务活动 >> Customer service 3 F : Is there anything else I can do for you, Mr. Price? 我还能为您做点什么吗,普莱斯先生? M : No, thanks. That'll do it for today. 没有了,谢谢。今天就这些了。 M : Linda, I don't know how you keep all this stuff straight. 琳达,我真不知道你是怎么把这些事管得如此井井有条。 F : Well, that's my job, Mr. Price. 嗯,这是我的工作,普莱斯先生。 M : And, you do it very well. 你做得非常出色。 M : Thanks again for the help! 再次感谢你的帮助! 文本来源:佛山雅思培训 爱德华国际英语 |