当前位置 : 首页 > 你注意过吗?英语中缩写单词后要不要加点?
发布者:管理员 发布时间:2016-9-22 阅读:9069     
欢迎来到爱德华国际英语 我们将每天精选一些英语学习知识,内容包含了日常生活、旅游时的各种场景。语法点由浅入深,让零基础的同学也能很好地学习。
 1. In both British and American English, if you are using initial (i.e. first) letters to represent words, you don’t normally need to put a full stop after them: 在英国英语和美国英语中,如果缩写是从各单词的首字母得来的,通常无须加点,如: BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司) CNN(Cable News Network美国有线电视新闻网) UK(the United Kingdom联合王国) NATO(the North Atlantic Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织) IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能机构)
2. In American English, however, it is common to use a full stop as an alternative style for certain abbreviations, in particular: 但是,在美国英语中,有些缩写可以加点也可以不加点,如: USA or U.S.A. US or U.S.
3. If an abbreviation consists of the first and last letters of a word, you don’t need to use a full stop at the end: 如果缩写是由首字母和末尾字母组成的,则无须加点,如: Mr(Mister先生) Dr(Doctor医生)
4. If the abbreviation consists only of the first part of a word, then you should put a full stop at the end: 如果缩写只是某个单词开头的几个字母组成,则需要加点,如: Wed. (Wednesday周三) Dec. (December十二月)

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