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发布者:管理员 发布时间:2017-2-11 阅读:1922     
文本来源:佛山商务英语培训 爱德华国际英语
(1) 买方抱怨价格太高 The price is on the high side. 价格偏高。 The price is too high to be acceptable. 价格太高,不可以接受了。 The price is too high to work on. 价格太高,我们不可行。 The price is far beyond our reach. 价格远远超出我们所能接受的范围。
Your price is about 15% higher than some other suppliers. 你们的价格比其他的一些供应商还要高出15%。 You are facing the keen competition from other suppliers in the market, whose prices are much lower than yours. 你们目前面临和与许多供应商竞争,他们的报价比你们的要低很多啊。
②把对方目前报价与过去报价相比。 It surprises me a lot that your offer is nearly 10% higher than last consignment. 怎么价格比上一批货高了将近10%啊。
③把对方报价与目前的市场价相比。 Your price is much higher than that of the present market. 你们的报价比目前的市场价格高很多啊。
④以客户为由 Your price is on the high side. We will have difficulties in persuading our clients to accept it. 你们报价太高了,我们很难说服我们的客户接受的。
①当对方狮子大开口,报出的价格超出你方公司所能接受的程度太过时,可以选择惊讶、夸张的语气。 Why? Your price has soared! How can I persuade our clients to make purchase decisions? 你们报价一下子涨了这么多,让我怎么去说服我的客户购买啊?
Why? Your price has soared! It is impossible for us to accept it. 哇,你们的价格在飙升啊,我们是不可能接受这个价格的。
I see your price has risen a great deal, hasn’t it? We will have difficulties in persuading our clients to accept it, I am afraid. 你们的价格好像上涨了很多,对吧。这样的话,我们很难说服我们的客户以这个价格购买。
文本来源:佛山商务英语培训 爱德华国际英语

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