当前位置 : 首页 > “我不确定”在英语中有哪些地道的表达方法?1
发布者:管理员 发布时间:2017-8-29 阅读:1657     
文本来源:佛山英语培训机构 爱德华国际英语
1、I have no idea 注意:和I don't know的区别哦 I don't know:真的是想说我一点也不知道一点儿也不懂的意思,可以直接翻译为“我不知道”; I have no idea:就更侧重于说我对这个提不出更好的意见或者我不知道有什么更好的建议或想法。
 ①I have no idea about the rest of you, but I'm hungry 我不知道你们怎么样,但我是饿了。
②I have no idea what you are talking about. 我不知道你在说什么。
 ③I have no idea what to say. 我不知道该说什么。
④You have no idea how much I miss her. 你不知道我有多想念她。
 2、I haven't a clue “一窍不通;一无所知; 我也不清楚 ; 我不知道 ; 我没头绪”
 ①Don't follow me.I haven't got a clue 别学我。我都还没搞清楚呢
②I haven't a clue what 73.38 on the civic index scale means or how it was arrived at, but at the moment the trend sure is looking positive. 我不知道73.38的文明指数意味着什么以及那是怎样算出来的,但在此刻,趋势无疑是积极的。
 ③I don't have a clue about solving the math problem. 对于如何解决这题数学问题,我毫无头绪。
3、I haven't the faintest idea “我连最模糊的概念都没有”; faint [fent]是“模糊、无力、衰弱的”意思,faintest是它的最高级。
 ①Quite frankly, we haven't the faintest idea why you're here. 坦白的说,我们压根不知道你为什么来这里。
 ②The experimenters wanted two groups of boys with not the faintest idea who was also in their own group or what the grouping meant or what they had to lose or gain. 实验者希望这两组孩子对于谁和自己同组,组别意味着什么,或者他们有什么得失这些问题几乎没有任何概念。
 4、How should I know? 意即: I cannot be expected to know,带有反问&略带责问之意。
 ①"Where's Mikey?" 麦奇在哪里? "How should I know? He's hardly ever in the office these days." 我怎么知道?他这些天都没在办公室。
 ②How should I know what she wants? I'm not telepathic! 我怎么知道她要什么?我又不能心灵感应!
③Why does everyone keep fixating on that? She didn't know, how should I know? 为什么每个人老是提它?她都不知道,我怎么会知道?
文本来源:佛山英语培训机构 爱德华国际英语

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