文本来源:佛山对外汉语培训 首选爱德华国际汉语 铁路运输是交通运输的重要机械交通工具,是连接城市之间的纽带,是一个国家经济发达的一项重要衡量指标。我国铁路在经过了六次全面大提速以后,客运能力得到了极大的提高。 现在的人们纷纷选择火车座位旅游,出行的交通工具。本期《生存汉语》将会选择火车站作为会话场景,帮助您解决在火车站您可能遇到的各种问题。 Railway Transportation is an important mechanical infrastructure. It is the link between cities, a measure indication of economy. After the train sixth time raises, the passenger capacity is increased significantly. Nowadays, more and more people would choose train as a means of transportation. In this issue of Survival Chinese, we will choose the train station as the conversation scene to help you solve the problems which you might be facing when you are at the railway station. A: 我们的火车快到了吗? Do you think our train is going to be here soon?
B: 如果我的手表准的话,我们的火车应该会在两三分钟之内到达。 If my watch is right, it should be here in the next two or three minutes.
A: 会这么快么? Do you really think it will get here that soon?
B: 为什么这么问? Why do you ask?
A: 我想去喝杯咖啡,吃点东西。 I wanted to get coffee and something to eat.
B: 时间不太够了,你可能会误了火车的。 You don’t have time now. You might miss the train.
A: 不会的。 No. I won’t. | B: 在拐角处就有一家咖啡店。 There’s a coffee shop right around the corner.
A: 你可以在火车上买吃的呀。 You can get food on the train.
B: 可是火车上的东西很贵的。 It’ll be more expensive.
A: 那好吧,你去吧。不过,我可不能让火车停下来等你。 Fine. Go ahead. Just know I can’t stop the train for you.
B: 好的, 麻烦你帮我看着东西,我很快回来。 Watch my bag for me. I’ll be back in a second.
A: 好吧,如果你坚持要去的话,帮我带杯咖啡。 If you’re going to go, get me a cup of coffee.
B: 好的,再见。 Fine, see you later. | A: 你说什么?我听不清你的话。 What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.
B: 我只是问你冷不冷。 I just asked you if you were cold.
A: 不冷,火车的声音太吵了。 No, I’m fine. Those trains make so much noise.
B: 那是火车刹车的声音。火车这么重,要停下来可不容易。 It’s from their brakes. They have to stop a lot of weight.
A: 是的,但是这种声音让我神经紧张。 Yes, but It’s just getting on my nerves.
B: 进到车厢里边你就能好点了。 You won’t have to hear it from inside the train.
A: 也许会感觉轻松一点,希望火车的声音能安静下来。 That’s a relief. I hope the train is quiet.
B: 车厢里头是很安静的,比公共汽车还要安静。 It’s always quiet, quieter than a bus. | A: 希望是如此。在火车上能买到吃的吗? I hope so. Do you think we’ll be able to get anything to eat?
B: 能啊,在餐车你可以买到水果和点心。就是太贵了。 Yes. The dining car has snacks and fruit. They’re just expensive.
A: 我太累了。希望上火车能睡一觉 I’m so tired. I just want to get on and fall asleep.
B: 哦,我在火车座位上可睡不着。 I can never fall asleep in train seats.
A: 为什么睡不着? Why not?
B: 我不知道。也许太闷了,空间也不足够。 I don’t know. They’re too stuff. There’s not enough room. | A: 你好,先生。有什么可以帮到您吗? Hello sir. Can I help you?
B: 我遇到麻烦了,我误了火车。 Yeah. I’ve got a problem. I missed my train.
A: 请问您要去哪里? May I ask you where do you want to go?
B: 上海。 Shanghai.
A: 我可以看一下您的火车票吗? May I see your ticket please?
B: 好的。 Ok.
A: 我可以帮您改签到下一辆火车。 I can help you arrange the next train. | B: 请问下一班火车什么时候开? When does the next train leave?
A: 今天晚上六点十分。 Ten past six tonight.
B: 好的。 OK.
A: 请您交5元钱的手续费。 We have to charge you the commission fee which is five Yuan.
B: 请拿好,祝您旅途愉快。 Alright, here is your ticket, have a nice trip.
A: 谢谢。 Thank you. | A: 您好,打扰一下。 Excuse me. I have a question.
B: 您好,请问您有什么事情需要我帮忙? Hi, How can I help you?
A: 请问从这儿去天津怎么走? What’s the best way to get into Tianjin?
B: 您有三种方法可以到达天津。你可以做长途客车,可以做火车,也可以乘坐出租车。 There are three ways. You could take a bus or a commuter train. Or there might be a taxi that will go that far.
A: 那请问打出租车要多少钱呢? How much would a taxi be?
B: 两百元左右。 About two hundreds Yuan, maybe.
A: 哦,那算了,太贵了。您刚才说有火车? Forget that, too expensive. Did you say there was a commuter train?
B: 对。从北京到天津的火车每十五分钟有一班。 Yeah. There are Canton-Beijing Rail System trains leaving every fifteen minutes for the city. | A: 那车票要多少钱呢? How much is the ticket?
B: 五十四元。 Fifty-four Yuan.
A: 大概要多长时间呢? And how long is the trip?
B: 三十分钟。 Thirty minutes
A: 好的,请问我可以到哪买到车票呢? Where do I get a ticket?
B: 就在楼下的售票大厅。 You can go to the ticket office. Just do down the stairs.
A: 谢谢。 Thanks.
B: 不用谢。 Don’t mention it | |